- Quality translations
- How long do translations take?
- A 'page'
- Prices
- What is 'normal language'?
- Editing (proof reading)
- What is the minimum charge for short texts?
- Are company contracts negotiable?
Quality translations need . . .
- subject knowledge
- understanding language culture differences
- understand aim of document
- know type of readers targeted
SterLing has a lot of experience in translations. We specialise in:
annual reports; marketing brochures; adverts; contracts; scientific, legal, management reports; business letters; websites, conference reports, PhD and Master theses . . .
We have deep experience in banking, pharmaceuticals, fashion, retailing, manufacturing, engineering, software, healthcare, government and 'EU' documents, academic papers for universities.
SterLing will provide references if requested.
SterLing provide a quality service ....for Quality Clients. Contact us.
Depends on size and complexity, but 4-5 pages, in normal language = 3 working days maximum; usually quicker.
'Urgent' work (over-night or weekends) - will normally have 20-30% extra cost.
is 1500 characters without spaces = about 250 words.
for 1 page of normal language:
- Normal SterLing = 30 EUR
prices do not include VAT (value added tax)
Translations using language seen generally = every day language.
If clients want very specialised translations that need research, price may be higher, but clients asked first.
Proof-reading is native language speaker checking the translation to ensure correct grammar, and suitable modern English. For translations, this included in the price.
Some customers have previously translated text, and want the English checked. As a separate service the cost per page depends on work needed. The work needed can be:
Normal | up to 8% changes to text |
Challenging | 9-16% of text needs changing |
Very demanding | over 16% of text needs changing, OR, very specialised language needs research |
Price per page:
- Normal = 12 EUR
- Challenging = 17 EUR
- Very demanding = 22 EUR
prices do not include VAT (value added tax)
SterLing have a minimum price of 1 page (see above).
Yes, for regular and large pieces of work. We are the permanent translators for many companies. A long relationship based on deep knowledge of a client's needs and their specialised vocabulary is an excellent way to ensure a high quality service.
Contact us to discuss your requirements.
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